Another week and another set of rankings, Trounce lost their #1 rank in the 900 Club this week after maintaining a 93% win percentage for quite some time - but this week 3 teams passed them up. Three teams left the rankings this week but finally Retaliation Battlegroup is included and because of that a few of their top teams made it on these rankings, keep reading to find out!
Guidelines for becoming a 900 Club team: Maintain Top 150 US Rank, while holding .900 win percentage in matches.
Update 4: 8/3/07
Rank - Team - Win/Loss - Win%
1) MIC (The Underbog) 215-8 0.9641
2) My Heat go BOOM (Korgath) 70-4 0.9459
3) Meow Mix (Auchindoun) 202-14 0.9351
4) Trounce (Mal'Ganis) 188-14 0.9306
5) Game Over (Black Dragonflight) 146-13 0.9182
6) Hide and Seek (Auchindoun) 131-12 0.9160
7) Espada (Stormscale) 110-11 0.9090
8) Clan Hex (Lightning's Blade) 107-11 0.9067
9) SeeYouNextTuesday (Tortheldrin) 243-25 0.9067
Overview: MIC from the Underbog which is part of the Retaliation cluster took the top spot this week with an impressive 96.4 win Percentage while playing over 225 games. Runner up to them was We Lose Cuz Daorok Sux's remake team which went 70-4 in one week in their preparation for Blizzcon that starts today. 3rd ranked MeowMix and 6th ranked Hide and Seek are also teams from the Retaliation battlegroup. While Trounce actually improved their win percentage from last week it just wasn't enough to fend off the other surging teams as they dropped to 4th. Leaving us this week is Spray and Pray, yea we lift, and Slash Cyclone - all of which dropped out of the Top 150 in the US making them ineligible for these rankings. Interestingly enough Slash Cyclone finally played for the first time in 3+ weeks and went 9-1 keeping their win percentage still about .900 - hopefully they can get their rating back up to add to this growing list of 900 club teams!
Friday, August 3, 2007
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Blizzcon Predictons - Round 1
Well here it is guys Blizzcon is upon us and your top 5v5 teams from around the world will be commencing in battle starting tommorow Friday the 3rd of August. Below is a prediction of the first round match ups.
Some of the lineups and or information might be a bit off, try not to critique me too much as I am not at the event and tried to pull together the best information available.
Notorious versus
Meet Your Makers
Notorious Lineup: Warrior, Warrior, Warlock, Shaman, Paladin
Meet Your Makers Lineup: Warrior, Shadow Priest, Warlock, Shaman, Paladin
Notorious is the #1 team coming from the Asian Regional, after being defeated by DER Tenacity in the Upper Bracket Finals they came back in the finals to sweep DER to take the gold. Meet Your Makers, formerly Log, on the other hand met a wall at their Regional's which was SK Gaming, they lost to them in the Upper Bracket Finals and then again in the Finals. Given the fact that the tournament will be played on the new Arena patch, I do not believe MyM’s Warlock/Shadow Priest combo will synergize as well as it did in the past. Both teams will have heroism but Notorius will have two Mortalstrikes, I believe this match will be a lot closer than it should be – but in the end Notorious will pull through with a victory.
Notorious over
Meet Your Makers [3-2]
Nashwan versus
Team EG
Nashwan Lineup: Warrior, Mage, Shaman, Priest, Paladin
Team EG Lineup: Warrior, Warlock, Shaman, Priest, Paladin
Nashwan is the only team at this tournament that failed to defeat any of the other teams here at their qualifier. Nashwan defeated Art of War, then lost to SK gaming, defeated Knockout and Millennium before losing to MyM. In my opinion Nashwan is the weakest team at this tournament and they are going up against one of the strongest: Team EG, formerly known as HUKHUKs. EG steam rolled through the US finals defeating both Pandemic and TFO by scores of 3-1, although Pandemic had a non-ideal roster at the Regional’s. I expect this match to be a blow out with EG as the victor.
Team EG over
Nashwan [3-0]
SK-Gaming (Warders) versus
Team Pandemic
SK-Gaming Lineup: Warrior, Mage, Shaman, Priest, Paladin
Team Pandemic Lineup: Warrior, Mage, Hunter, Rogue, Paladin
What a great match up to start off the tournament, unfortunately for one of these two teams their journey will be slowly crushed as they are sent to the losers bracket. SK-Gaming, formerly Warders, made it here by winning the European Regional’s despite not being a top seed. They defeated MyM and Nashwan on their road to #1, where as Pandemic was forced to play with an unconventional lineup with a rogue and 4-DPS and some how managed to limp their ways into the 3rd spot at the US Regional’s to make it here. The big question here is whether or not Pandemic will be able to play their idea lineup or be forced to use the one they had in the Regional’s. If Pandemic is forced to play their 4-DPS set up again with a rogue expect them to lose 3-0 if not I believe they will take this mirror match-up convincingly seeing as they have more experience with it. *UPDATE* According to the Blizzcon website Pandemic is listed as playing their four DPS with a Rogue, unless this changes I do not believe they will be able to win this match up playing with a Rogue, the only one in this tournament.
SK-Gaming over
Pandemic [3-0]
D E R Tenacity versus
D E R Tenacity Lineup: Warrior, Warrior, Mage, Shaman, Paladin
TFO Lineup: Warrior, Mage, Hunter, Shaman, Paladin
This should best match up of this round seeing as both teams don’t play cookie cutter lineups like all the other teams, and the SK/Pandemic match will most likely be a blowout. TFO also known as 'We Lose Cuz Daorok sux' placed 2nd at the US Regional’s. At the Regional’s TFO lost to Pandemic’s ‘4-DPS’ team in the Semifinals but stormed through the loser bracket knocking the heavily favored Fighting Mongooses out of the tournament as well as beating Pandemic in the Lower Bracket Finals – then losing to EG in the Finals by a score of 3-1. DER Tenacity on the other hand steamed through their tournament until the finals where they lost two sets to Notorious a team they defeated earlier in the tournament. In the US ladder play lately TFO has been on an extreme tear defeating everything in their paths probably in preparation of this tournament. I belive TFO will continue their dominance into this tournament and win this match convincingly.
TFO over
DER Tenacity [3-1]
Be sure to keep checking in, I will try to get live scores as well as Predictions for every round!
Link to Regional Brackets: Here
Link to the Blizzcon Offical Page / Brackets: Here
Some of the lineups and or information might be a bit off, try not to critique me too much as I am not at the event and tried to pull together the best information available.

Notorious Lineup: Warrior, Warrior, Warlock, Shaman, Paladin
Meet Your Makers Lineup: Warrior, Shadow Priest, Warlock, Shaman, Paladin
Notorious is the #1 team coming from the Asian Regional, after being defeated by DER Tenacity in the Upper Bracket Finals they came back in the finals to sweep DER to take the gold. Meet Your Makers, formerly Log, on the other hand met a wall at their Regional's which was SK Gaming, they lost to them in the Upper Bracket Finals and then again in the Finals. Given the fact that the tournament will be played on the new Arena patch, I do not believe MyM’s Warlock/Shadow Priest combo will synergize as well as it did in the past. Both teams will have heroism but Notorius will have two Mortalstrikes, I believe this match will be a lot closer than it should be – but in the end Notorious will pull through with a victory.

Nashwan Lineup: Warrior, Mage, Shaman, Priest, Paladin
Team EG Lineup: Warrior, Warlock, Shaman, Priest, Paladin
Nashwan is the only team at this tournament that failed to defeat any of the other teams here at their qualifier. Nashwan defeated Art of War, then lost to SK gaming, defeated Knockout and Millennium before losing to MyM. In my opinion Nashwan is the weakest team at this tournament and they are going up against one of the strongest: Team EG, formerly known as HUKHUKs. EG steam rolled through the US finals defeating both Pandemic and TFO by scores of 3-1, although Pandemic had a non-ideal roster at the Regional’s. I expect this match to be a blow out with EG as the victor.

SK-Gaming Lineup: Warrior, Mage, Shaman, Priest, Paladin
Team Pandemic Lineup: Warrior, Mage, Hunter, Rogue, Paladin
What a great match up to start off the tournament, unfortunately for one of these two teams their journey will be slowly crushed as they are sent to the losers bracket. SK-Gaming, formerly Warders, made it here by winning the European Regional’s despite not being a top seed. They defeated MyM and Nashwan on their road to #1, where as Pandemic was forced to play with an unconventional lineup with a rogue and 4-DPS and some how managed to limp their ways into the 3rd spot at the US Regional’s to make it here. The big question here is whether or not Pandemic will be able to play their idea lineup or be forced to use the one they had in the Regional’s. If Pandemic is forced to play their 4-DPS set up again with a rogue expect them to lose 3-0 if not I believe they will take this mirror match-up convincingly seeing as they have more experience with it. *UPDATE* According to the Blizzcon website Pandemic is listed as playing their four DPS with a Rogue, unless this changes I do not believe they will be able to win this match up playing with a Rogue, the only one in this tournament.

D E R Tenacity Lineup: Warrior, Warrior, Mage, Shaman, Paladin
TFO Lineup: Warrior, Mage, Hunter, Shaman, Paladin
This should best match up of this round seeing as both teams don’t play cookie cutter lineups like all the other teams, and the SK/Pandemic match will most likely be a blowout. TFO also known as 'We Lose Cuz Daorok sux' placed 2nd at the US Regional’s. At the Regional’s TFO lost to Pandemic’s ‘4-DPS’ team in the Semifinals but stormed through the loser bracket knocking the heavily favored Fighting Mongooses out of the tournament as well as beating Pandemic in the Lower Bracket Finals – then losing to EG in the Finals by a score of 3-1. DER Tenacity on the other hand steamed through their tournament until the finals where they lost two sets to Notorious a team they defeated earlier in the tournament. In the US ladder play lately TFO has been on an extreme tear defeating everything in their paths probably in preparation of this tournament. I belive TFO will continue their dominance into this tournament and win this match convincingly.

Be sure to keep checking in, I will try to get live scores as well as Predictions for every round!
Link to Regional Brackets: Here
Link to the Blizzcon Offical Page / Brackets: Here
How to build a 5v5 team - Part 2
For this I will use the ‘2-Healer’ build for my model since it is the most common and easiest to play. First off you will want to find teammates that are around you in age, basically don’t get anyone in high school that has to go to bed at 11 PM when the rest of your team is in college and stays up until 4 am. This is what you will want to look for in your teammates:
Warrior – Find your self a good warrior, the core of every good 5v5 team will have a good Warrior, Caster DPS and Paladin. For this role you will want someone that is an ‘Alpha Male’, who is usually egotistical and likes to do lots of damage and kill people. Your warrior should be extremely outspoken seeing as he will be the natural leader of the team, he should be calling out assists and what your team should being so finding someone knowledgeable about the game and PvP helps a lot.
Caster DPS (aka Mage) - Unlike your Warrior your caster DPS should be someone who is really mellow and wont easily get flustered, as he will be one of the major components of your team. He shouldn’t worry too much about doing damage as much as he should be controlling the flow of the match with his crowd control abilities. This role is most easily filed by a Mage, but can also be done by a Warlock but not as efficiently.
Random DPS – This person’s personality should be somewhere between that of the Warriors and Caster DPS’s. You’ll want someone who can be egotistical but not as much as the Warrior seeing as he won’t be in the limelight at the end of the match, the Warrior will. He should also be able to take over the roll as the in-game leader if the warrior happens to go down early. So having a back up in-game leader is always a safe option, someone the other people on your team will listen to if things get chaotic. Do not use another Melee to fill this roll whether it is another Warrior or Rogue, seeing as you will only have one Paladin on your team, which equals one Blessing of Freedom, which can put you at a disadvantage using two melee against any heavy crowd control team.
Healers – First and foremost find your self a Paladin they are part of the holy trinity that includes the Warrior and Mage. A good Paladin is not hard to find and will be one of the easier parts of filling your team, another great advantage if you are a start up team your Paladin will not require as much gear as the rest of the team seeing as he will be able to use a lot of PVE gear in the beginning. As for your secondary healer, it doesn’t really matter what or who you pick the best choice would be a priest but they require a lot of gear seeing as they will usually be the focus of the other teams attacks. If you cannot find a Priest with amazing gear a Resto Shaman with decent gear can easily fill this role.
Also it helps to have a back up player or two, if you don’t feel a certain class or member is performing poorly versus a team or group composition you are playing sub someone in. Try to have a secondary healer back up and one or two back ups for your ‘Random DPS’ slot, your team should consist of at least 7 people on it. If you do have 7 do not make it a goal that everyone gets 30% even if they are your best lineup, once you have established your best lineup play with it and often.
As much as I hate to say it, gear is an extremely important part of the arena with out it you could lose to inferior teams who do have better gear, which can be extremely frustrating. Find players who already have a few pieces of Arena gear and pieces from farming Honor. If they don’t have this gear make sure they are willing to farm honor to make sure they have the best possible gear in every slot. PVE Gear doesn’t work in 5v5 Arena unless you are a Warrior or Paladin, every other class must have the MAXIMUM amount of resilience possible once your team gets near the top 50 in your battlegroup.
Make sure that all your members have a high ranked 2v2 or 3v3 team that they can fall back on to get gear from if they have to sit for a week and not get arena points from your 5v5 team.
Once you have your team set up, set some goals. Determine what you want to do with this team, do you just want to get gear every week and play 10 games? Do you want to have fun and play all the top teams in your battle group every week? Or do you want to be the best team on your server.
Set realistic goals, if your team is brand new with mediocre gear the chances are you wont be #1 any time soon or even in the top 10 in your battlegroup if it is highly competitive. If you are a experienced players with almost all the top gear available then set the goal as high as you can, and once you get to it set a new one whether it takes you 1 day to reach it or a whole season.
This depends completely on what the goals for your team is, if you want to be the #1 team on your battle group you will most likely need to assign 3-4 days a week that you can spend a few hours a night playing on. If you just want to be a team that does good 1-2 nights will be sufficient so long as everyone shows up on those nights, if you cant make it tell your teammates in advance so they can line up the 2-3 back-ups you have set asides. In the end make sure everyone knows what days you are playing and at what time, make sure some of your backups are available during this time too just in case.
I cannot stress this point enough; with out good communication your team will not do well in the Arena.
1) Make sure everyone on your team has a Microphone
2) Use a Vent or Team Speak server, go in a private channel so you are not distracted by other guild mates or friends
If someone on your team does have a microphone but refuses to talk or communicate while in game give them a few weeks to get adjusted to communicating while playing, if they don’t REMOVE them from your team. Players who don’t have microphones or refuse to talk to you while you are playing are extremely detrimental to a team.
A great example would be a mage who has a microphone but refuses to talk, when this person counter-spells the opposing healer it would be a good time to let your teammates know that the other team wont be getting heals for 5-6 seconds which would be a good time for them to use cool downs to do more DPS and maybe kill something. If the mage never says anything then the team will never know, and this is just one of the many ways having a non communicative person on your team will hurt you from being at the top. Also it doesn’t hurt to call out for heals and dispels because healers some times get tunnel vision and don’t always see what’s going on so letting them know never hurts.
Chances are you are going to lose a lot of matches, remember you will not be the #1 team over night it will take time. Do not get frustrated over small things and call out teammates and make them feel bad. Take EVERY loss as a learning experience and try to improve on what you did wrong. In the end, have a positive attitude, and have fun!
For this I will use the ‘2-Healer’ build for my model since it is the most common and easiest to play. First off you will want to find teammates that are around you in age, basically don’t get anyone in high school that has to go to bed at 11 PM when the rest of your team is in college and stays up until 4 am. This is what you will want to look for in your teammates:
Warrior – Find your self a good warrior, the core of every good 5v5 team will have a good Warrior, Caster DPS and Paladin. For this role you will want someone that is an ‘Alpha Male’, who is usually egotistical and likes to do lots of damage and kill people. Your warrior should be extremely outspoken seeing as he will be the natural leader of the team, he should be calling out assists and what your team should being so finding someone knowledgeable about the game and PvP helps a lot.
Caster DPS (aka Mage) - Unlike your Warrior your caster DPS should be someone who is really mellow and wont easily get flustered, as he will be one of the major components of your team. He shouldn’t worry too much about doing damage as much as he should be controlling the flow of the match with his crowd control abilities. This role is most easily filed by a Mage, but can also be done by a Warlock but not as efficiently.
Random DPS – This person’s personality should be somewhere between that of the Warriors and Caster DPS’s. You’ll want someone who can be egotistical but not as much as the Warrior seeing as he won’t be in the limelight at the end of the match, the Warrior will. He should also be able to take over the roll as the in-game leader if the warrior happens to go down early. So having a back up in-game leader is always a safe option, someone the other people on your team will listen to if things get chaotic. Do not use another Melee to fill this roll whether it is another Warrior or Rogue, seeing as you will only have one Paladin on your team, which equals one Blessing of Freedom, which can put you at a disadvantage using two melee against any heavy crowd control team.
Healers – First and foremost find your self a Paladin they are part of the holy trinity that includes the Warrior and Mage. A good Paladin is not hard to find and will be one of the easier parts of filling your team, another great advantage if you are a start up team your Paladin will not require as much gear as the rest of the team seeing as he will be able to use a lot of PVE gear in the beginning. As for your secondary healer, it doesn’t really matter what or who you pick the best choice would be a priest but they require a lot of gear seeing as they will usually be the focus of the other teams attacks. If you cannot find a Priest with amazing gear a Resto Shaman with decent gear can easily fill this role.
Also it helps to have a back up player or two, if you don’t feel a certain class or member is performing poorly versus a team or group composition you are playing sub someone in. Try to have a secondary healer back up and one or two back ups for your ‘Random DPS’ slot, your team should consist of at least 7 people on it. If you do have 7 do not make it a goal that everyone gets 30% even if they are your best lineup, once you have established your best lineup play with it and often.
As much as I hate to say it, gear is an extremely important part of the arena with out it you could lose to inferior teams who do have better gear, which can be extremely frustrating. Find players who already have a few pieces of Arena gear and pieces from farming Honor. If they don’t have this gear make sure they are willing to farm honor to make sure they have the best possible gear in every slot. PVE Gear doesn’t work in 5v5 Arena unless you are a Warrior or Paladin, every other class must have the MAXIMUM amount of resilience possible once your team gets near the top 50 in your battlegroup.
Make sure that all your members have a high ranked 2v2 or 3v3 team that they can fall back on to get gear from if they have to sit for a week and not get arena points from your 5v5 team.
Once you have your team set up, set some goals. Determine what you want to do with this team, do you just want to get gear every week and play 10 games? Do you want to have fun and play all the top teams in your battle group every week? Or do you want to be the best team on your server.
Set realistic goals, if your team is brand new with mediocre gear the chances are you wont be #1 any time soon or even in the top 10 in your battlegroup if it is highly competitive. If you are a experienced players with almost all the top gear available then set the goal as high as you can, and once you get to it set a new one whether it takes you 1 day to reach it or a whole season.
This depends completely on what the goals for your team is, if you want to be the #1 team on your battle group you will most likely need to assign 3-4 days a week that you can spend a few hours a night playing on. If you just want to be a team that does good 1-2 nights will be sufficient so long as everyone shows up on those nights, if you cant make it tell your teammates in advance so they can line up the 2-3 back-ups you have set asides. In the end make sure everyone knows what days you are playing and at what time, make sure some of your backups are available during this time too just in case.
I cannot stress this point enough; with out good communication your team will not do well in the Arena.
1) Make sure everyone on your team has a Microphone
2) Use a Vent or Team Speak server, go in a private channel so you are not distracted by other guild mates or friends
If someone on your team does have a microphone but refuses to talk or communicate while in game give them a few weeks to get adjusted to communicating while playing, if they don’t REMOVE them from your team. Players who don’t have microphones or refuse to talk to you while you are playing are extremely detrimental to a team.
A great example would be a mage who has a microphone but refuses to talk, when this person counter-spells the opposing healer it would be a good time to let your teammates know that the other team wont be getting heals for 5-6 seconds which would be a good time for them to use cool downs to do more DPS and maybe kill something. If the mage never says anything then the team will never know, and this is just one of the many ways having a non communicative person on your team will hurt you from being at the top. Also it doesn’t hurt to call out for heals and dispels because healers some times get tunnel vision and don’t always see what’s going on so letting them know never hurts.
Chances are you are going to lose a lot of matches, remember you will not be the #1 team over night it will take time. Do not get frustrated over small things and call out teammates and make them feel bad. Take EVERY loss as a learning experience and try to improve on what you did wrong. In the end, have a positive attitude, and have fun!
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
How to build a 5v5 team - Part 1
Want a sure fire guide on how to make a Top 5v5 team? Well wait no longer that guide is here! Follow these amazing steps and you can have your self a 2000+ rating team, or even a Top 50 US team maybe even be lucky enough to become a prestigious 900 Club team! This guide will help you if you are making a new team or just want to make your current one better.
If you’ve already made your character or don’t plan on re-rolling for any reasons, skip to step 3. The first 2 steps will be for people who don’t even have characters or want to re-roll.
This first step is simple if you’ve never played WoW before then maybe I can help you in choosing your faction. For the rest of us who made our characters 3+ years ago because It did a “sweet back flip!” or has “cool floppy ears” we wish we could go back in time and guide our younger selves into re-choosing this decision unfortunately we cannot. Since this is a Arena/PvP site I really wont dab into pro’s and con’s with PvE/PvP the simple line is: Horde racials are better for almost every class there is and will be more beneficial to someone who wants to be a top PvPer. So unless you want to run around as a sweet looking Gnome (and yes they are the COOLEST looking class in the game hands down) you should probably choose Horde. Ok so now you got your faction picked lets move on to step #2.
But there are so classes and races to choose from! You may be overwhelmed at first to see all the different races you can pick, 5 in total. So what is the best? It all depends on what you want to do in arena, ask your self these questions to figure out what class you want to be:
Do I want to do damage? Yes->(Warrior/Rogue/Hunter/Mage/Warlock)
Do I want to heal? Yes->(Paladin/Shaman/Priest/Druid)
Do I want to support other players and feel more gratifying when we win/lose? Yes->(Everything Except Rogue/Warrior)
Do I want to be the clutch player that changes the tide of the match? Yes->(Any class!)
Once you’ve asked yourself some of those questions the answer is pretty simple. If you really want to be a Druid you can only be Tauren, and if you really want to be a Paladin you’ll have to Blood Elf. Both of these classes have better racials than their Alliance counter parts. What if I want something other then those classes? If you are Warrior do not pick Undead as you will not need the extra fear immunity. Unlike a Warrior a Rogue would benefit the most from picking Undead since you will most likely be attacking cloth targets that can fear you. Other then those two classes pick any race, all of them have nice racials for PvP. Tauren, Undead and Orc are always safe bets for any of the classes not mentioned above.
If your goal is to be a top Arena player transfer to a high population Battlegroup which will more than likely not be included with any new servers. Stay away from these as they are often clustered up with other new servers and usually have the lowest populations, which means longer queue times. Any Servers not on Battlegroups: Stormstrike, Emberstorm, Whirlwind and Retaliation will do.
Once you’ve found your Battlegroup you want to roll or transfer to make sure the server you pick is not low population in case you ever have to recruit new teammates you will want the largest pool of players available to pick from.
Once you’ve figured out where you are going to play, you will want to ask yourself how you want to play. To me there are really only 3 different group compositions you can play that being: ‘4-DPS’, ‘2-Healer’, ‘3-Healer’. Lets take a look at each one and what their play styles are like to see if that would suit the way you want to play your arena match.
‘2-Healer’ – This is pretty much dubbed the ‘cookie cutter’ build, which would consist of Warrior/Mage/Random DPS/Paladin/Priest. Usually with this build you will have medium damage out put, medium crowd control and medium healing. The warrior / random DPS spend the whole arena doing damage to a target, where as the mage just controls the other team. Usually you want a Paladin as the main healer with a Priest or Shaman as backup who can use offensive abilities when healing isn’t required. This lineup requires you to out think other teams and play on their minor mistakes that will lead your team to a victory.
‘4-DPS’ – This group compusition is becoming more common this season, there is no real trick to it all you do is get 4 classes that can throw out a lot of damage at the begning of a match hoping to drop one of their members quickly. 4 DPS group comp matches are very short and require your team to have the best possibly gear to insta-gib a target, if your initial bursts fails you will more then likely lose. This type of team has high damage, medium to high crowd control, and low healing. Seeing as this is very gear dependent you usually wouldn’t want to start off with this group composition as a new team. Do not try to play this as your first arena team, It will require a lot of coordination and control in game to be able to pull this off, something you wont get until you’ve experienced arena for awhile.
‘3-Healer’ – A 3 healer group is probably the most boring to play, you play with out taking any real risks and just simply try to out last the other team. Games with 3 healers usually take as long as it takes the other team to run out of mana so depending on how many healers the opposing team has can take anywhere from 4-8 minutes. With this team you have low to medium damage, low crowd control and high healing. With this type of lineup you need DPS’ers that can provide endless damage as long as they are still alive, this includes Warriors/Rogues/Warlock’s only. Now that you have the group comp you want your team to play, now you must pick your teammates.
Now that you have what kind of group comp you want to play picked out, its time to fill that group comp with your teammates. Which will be released tommorow.
If you’ve already made your character or don’t plan on re-rolling for any reasons, skip to step 3. The first 2 steps will be for people who don’t even have characters or want to re-roll.
This first step is simple if you’ve never played WoW before then maybe I can help you in choosing your faction. For the rest of us who made our characters 3+ years ago because It did a “sweet back flip!” or has “cool floppy ears” we wish we could go back in time and guide our younger selves into re-choosing this decision unfortunately we cannot. Since this is a Arena/PvP site I really wont dab into pro’s and con’s with PvE/PvP the simple line is: Horde racials are better for almost every class there is and will be more beneficial to someone who wants to be a top PvPer. So unless you want to run around as a sweet looking Gnome (and yes they are the COOLEST looking class in the game hands down) you should probably choose Horde. Ok so now you got your faction picked lets move on to step #2.
But there are so classes and races to choose from! You may be overwhelmed at first to see all the different races you can pick, 5 in total. So what is the best? It all depends on what you want to do in arena, ask your self these questions to figure out what class you want to be:
Do I want to do damage? Yes->(Warrior/Rogue/Hunter/Mage/Warlock)
Do I want to heal? Yes->(Paladin/Shaman/Priest/Druid)
Do I want to support other players and feel more gratifying when we win/lose? Yes->(Everything Except Rogue/Warrior)
Do I want to be the clutch player that changes the tide of the match? Yes->(Any class!)
Once you’ve asked yourself some of those questions the answer is pretty simple. If you really want to be a Druid you can only be Tauren, and if you really want to be a Paladin you’ll have to Blood Elf. Both of these classes have better racials than their Alliance counter parts. What if I want something other then those classes? If you are Warrior do not pick Undead as you will not need the extra fear immunity. Unlike a Warrior a Rogue would benefit the most from picking Undead since you will most likely be attacking cloth targets that can fear you. Other then those two classes pick any race, all of them have nice racials for PvP. Tauren, Undead and Orc are always safe bets for any of the classes not mentioned above.
If your goal is to be a top Arena player transfer to a high population Battlegroup which will more than likely not be included with any new servers. Stay away from these as they are often clustered up with other new servers and usually have the lowest populations, which means longer queue times. Any Servers not on Battlegroups: Stormstrike, Emberstorm, Whirlwind and Retaliation will do.
Once you’ve found your Battlegroup you want to roll or transfer to make sure the server you pick is not low population in case you ever have to recruit new teammates you will want the largest pool of players available to pick from.
Once you’ve figured out where you are going to play, you will want to ask yourself how you want to play. To me there are really only 3 different group compositions you can play that being: ‘4-DPS’, ‘2-Healer’, ‘3-Healer’. Lets take a look at each one and what their play styles are like to see if that would suit the way you want to play your arena match.
‘2-Healer’ – This is pretty much dubbed the ‘cookie cutter’ build, which would consist of Warrior/Mage/Random DPS/Paladin/Priest. Usually with this build you will have medium damage out put, medium crowd control and medium healing. The warrior / random DPS spend the whole arena doing damage to a target, where as the mage just controls the other team. Usually you want a Paladin as the main healer with a Priest or Shaman as backup who can use offensive abilities when healing isn’t required. This lineup requires you to out think other teams and play on their minor mistakes that will lead your team to a victory.
‘4-DPS’ – This group compusition is becoming more common this season, there is no real trick to it all you do is get 4 classes that can throw out a lot of damage at the begning of a match hoping to drop one of their members quickly. 4 DPS group comp matches are very short and require your team to have the best possibly gear to insta-gib a target, if your initial bursts fails you will more then likely lose. This type of team has high damage, medium to high crowd control, and low healing. Seeing as this is very gear dependent you usually wouldn’t want to start off with this group composition as a new team. Do not try to play this as your first arena team, It will require a lot of coordination and control in game to be able to pull this off, something you wont get until you’ve experienced arena for awhile.
‘3-Healer’ – A 3 healer group is probably the most boring to play, you play with out taking any real risks and just simply try to out last the other team. Games with 3 healers usually take as long as it takes the other team to run out of mana so depending on how many healers the opposing team has can take anywhere from 4-8 minutes. With this team you have low to medium damage, low crowd control and high healing. With this type of lineup you need DPS’ers that can provide endless damage as long as they are still alive, this includes Warriors/Rogues/Warlock’s only. Now that you have the group comp you want your team to play, now you must pick your teammates.
Now that you have what kind of group comp you want to play picked out, its time to fill that group comp with your teammates. Which will be released tommorow.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Arena Melee - 5v5 - Week 6
Pandemic started off the week slow dropping to an all time low of 7th so far this season, but at the end of the week they pulled it together and bounced back to #2. Trounce still leads the rankings but slowly creeping up on them is TeamPandemic and We Lose Cuz Daorok sux. Keep reading to find out all the statistical breakdowns and who were the big losers and winners this week.
Averages of Top 50 5v5 Teams – 7-30-07
Rating: 2273.98 (Last week 2242.52)
Wins: 157.1 (Last week 157.56)
Losses: 41.1 (Last week 43.24)
Win Percentage: 0.8076 (Last week 0.8010)
Overview: The average rating went up this week by about 30 while the wins and losses stayed relatively the same. The only thing these numbers could represent is a new re-make team making it into the Top 50 bumping the older ones with more wins/losses out. One example of this would be CAPSLOCKCREW who transferred their team to Tichondrius losing their old record of (345-56) and trading it for their new one of (76-13).
1. TeamPandemic (Tichondrius) – US #2
Lineup: Warrior, Mage, Elemental Shaman, Holy Priest, Paladin
A bumpy week for this team as they started it off very rocky dropping to 7th overall in the US, but towards the end of the week they regained their form going 59-22 for the week and improving their rating by 22 in the process. It’s nice to see that the top teams actually play more than just 10 games a week while maintaining a top rank. They continue to stay #1 in the Power Rankings again because of their continued dominance over the #1 Battlegroup Bloodlust.
2. CAPSLOCKCREW (Tichondruis) – US #11
Lineup: Warrior, Hunter, Warlock, Holy Priest, Paladin
You will notice they no longer have (Kel’Thuzad) attached to their name that’s because they are no longer on that server. When you transfer servers you lose all your arena teams and their ratings and have to re-build each of your teams. This was no problem from this top team seeing as they went (76-15) an 85% win percentage which is roughly the same as on their old battleground. The good thing about re making a team is that every team you play will always be higher ranked than you so you will always get a lot of points from beating them (around 20-30) and when you lose you’ll barely lose anything so It make it extremely easy for top teams to regain their status just by winning.
3. We lose cuz Daorok sux (Korgath) – US #3
Lineup: Warrior, Mage, Hunter, Resto Shaman, Paladin
This team has been on an absolute frenzy these last few weeks and its still going and probably wont stop for a while. This week they went an impressive 16-0 and gaining 42 rating in the process, compared to last weeks 49-3. In the last two weeks they are 65-3, which is an amazing 96% win percentage well above their total right now that is 85%. If they continue to keep winning at this rate if they win 20-30 games next week should be enough to give them the #1 spot for the first time this season.
4. Trounce (Mal’Ganis) – US #1
Lineup: Warrior, Mage, Elemental Shaman, Holy Priest, Paladin
Still holding strong at #1 they continue to hold off TeamPandemic, the usual #1, and We lose cuz Daorok sux who has been extremely hot as of lately. This week Trounce only played 10 games, but won all of them improving their rating by only 16 points meaning they were only beating teams that gave them anywhere between 1-2 points. I am not a fan of teams only getting their 10 games in a week so they can just get their Arena Points, if they want to stay on these power rankings they will need to play more then 10 next week before I drop them off.
5. Rag Dolled (Tichondruis) – US #4
Lineup: Warrior, Mage, Elemental Shaman, Holy Priest, Paladin
This team hasn’t made too much noise so far this season, but has steadily climbed up the ranks each week. They have slowly moved up the rankings and now they are US #4, which is this teams all time high. Out of all the teams in the Top 10 they have the lowest win percentage at 75%, which means they like to grind out their ranks. This week they went an impressive 46-11 while gaining 53 rating which moved them from 6th to 4th, expect this team to continue to keep climbing possibly into the Top 2 next week.
TOP 5 MOVERS (Teams only in Top 50 for previous week included)
(+45) – Owls That Fly at Dawn (Tichondrius) NEW->5th
Lineup: Rogue, Warlock, Warlock, Shadow Priest, Resto Druid
Not sure if this team was created 1-2+ weeks ago or this week, but regardless they have shot up all the way to 5th out of no where. They are 100-25, which is an 80% win rate, no easy feat on the #1 Battlegroup Bloodlust. One thing that is for certain though is they have a really stupid team name, and hopefully that’s some kind of inside joke because I am pretty sure a 4th grader could make something cooler than that.
(+42) – TEAM EG (Illidan) 54th->13th
Lineup: Warrior, Warlock, Elemental Shaman, Holy Priest, Paladin
Last week they were in the opposite list being one of the Top 5 losers dropping 43 ranks, this week they almost gained all of them back. A few days ago they even made it up into the Top 10 but have since barely fallen out, If a team can rebound as much as they can it says a lot – they will probably stay in or around the Top 10 for a few weeks unless they have another bad week.
(+27) – DOOM TRAIN (Uldum) NEW->23rd
Lineup: Rogue, Mage, Warlock, Shadow Priest, Resto Shaman
This is the first time this team has graced the Top 50, and they are ranked fairly high playing a lineup that is far from cookie cutter. While they did make it all the way to 23rd they do have a fairly low win percentage of 77% playing in the weak Cyclone Battleground. If they want to stay on these rankings they will have to prove them selves week after week by gaining ranks and improving their rating and record.
(+26) – Smug Lyfe (Eldre’Thelas) NEW->24th
Lineup: Warrior, Mage, Elemental Shaman, Holy Priest, Paladin
Considering they play the extremely popular cookie cutter build it’s surprising that they have such a low win percentage, which is 70%. I’ve seen this team hovering around the Top 50 before and might have been in it two weeks ago, I cant remember, but given the fact their win percentage is so low they must have just had a good week, I don’t expect them to stay around this rank for very long with that low of a win percentage.
(+25) – MIC (The Underbog) NEW->25th
Lineup: Warrior, Rogue, Mage, Holy Priest, Paladin
Hailing from the weakest battleground: Retaliation, this team has an extremely impressive win percentage of 96% and grace the Top 50 for the first time. Even on a “weaker” battleground that is no easy feat especially playing with two melee: a warrior and a rogue. The website I used to calculate all the rankings/statistics just recently added Retaliation to its list (it wasn’t added because they merged two BG’s together to make it) So they could have been in the Top 50 before, I don’t know. With a 96% win percentage they will probably be here for awhile, expect this team to moving up ranks.
BOTTOM 5 DROPPERS (Teams only in Top 50 for previous week included)
(-235) – Weekend Respecs (Korgath) 15th->250+
Lineup: Warrior, Warlock, Elemental Shaman, Holy Priest, Paladin
Holy crap I’m speechless right here, 235+ ranks? I think that will be a record for a very long time on this website, the best part is it might even be more then 235 ranks. I really don’t think this team is a sold team either because a team who sells their team can only lose about 100 rating in one week; this team has lost more than that and still have members with games played on their lineup. Last week they had a rating of 2247 with a record of 135-51, this week they went 3-17 and lost 200 rating in the process dropping them completely out of the Top 150 by 100+ rating. Their actual rank is probably something closer to 300 or more but Ill go easy on them and say they are ranked 250. Some times teams have an off night, and losing to teams you probably should beat 2-3 times in a row would probably prompt you to stop, but 17? I don’t know who or what they lost to but could only assume they weren’t smart enough to stop after they lost 50 or even 100 rating.
(-71) – FoRtY PeRcEnT AzN (Cho’gall) 9th->80th
Lineup: Warrior, Mage, Elemental Shaman, Holy Priest, Paladin
This team was up around the Top 10 for quite some time so it’s surprising to see them drop this low. Last week they had a 2270 rating with a record of 105-12, this week they tried to just get 10 games in which turned out to be extremely costly. They went 3-7 and lost 90 rating in the process, playing 10 games to get arena points isn’t worth losing almost 100 rating they should’ve just not played.
(-59) – Diablo (Deathwing) 18th->77th
Lineup: Unknown
This team had a brief stint in the Top 50 last week but quickly threw it all away. Last week they were 2239 with a record of 150-50, this week they tried to get just 10 games in and probably lost to some very low ranked teams going 7-3 they some how lost 50+ rating. If you want to be a top ranked team you can’t wait till Sunday or Monday night to get your games in, and 10 games a week definitely doesn’t cut it unless your battleground is extremely weak.
(-46) – Mississippi Roadblock (Blackrock) 35th->81st
Lineup: Warrior, Mage, Hunter, Holy Priest, Paladin
This wasn’t a horrible weak for this team, but it wasn’t the best either. To maintain your rank in the Top 50 US you’ll usually need to gain at least 30-40 rating each week, so If you go down even a little bit or break even your going to lose a lot of ranks with teams passing you. This is what happened to Mississippi Roadblock, they went a mediocre 4-5 this week and have lost only 30 rating but its enough to drop them 46 spots and get them on the list for one of this weeks biggest losers.
(-36) – is this a new arena (Alter of Storms) 13th->49th
Lineup: Warrior, Mage, Warlock, Holy Priest, Paladin
Two weeks ago this team was barely hovering in the Top 50 in the US, and here again they are ranked 49th. After a great week shooting all the way up to 13th they didn’t continue that play this week and lost everything they gained. Despite having a winning record this week of 9-4 they dropped roughly 40 rating and that was enough to drop them 36 ranks.
CAPSLOCKCREW (Kel’Thuzad)- US #11
Lineup: Warrior, Hunter, Warlock, Holy Priest, Paladin
After transferring and remaking their team they shot up all the way to the top 10 before the week was even over, they have since then barely dropped out of the Top 10but the fact that they can regain their status and that quick gives them the award for top team this week. Another impressive note is if that they play more then every other team in the top 50 and still maintain an great win percentage, if you combined their two teams they would be 421-69 which is a win percentage of 86%.
IRONMAN TEAM AWARDS – (Top 50 Team Only)
Wins – (289) TeamPandemic (Tichondrius)
Losses – (150) Shame (Wildhammer)
Games Played – (413) Shame (Wildhammer)
(US #5) Owls That Fly at Dawn (Tichondrius)
Lineup: Rogue, Warlock, Warlock, Shadow Priest, Resto Druid
If they can shoot up to 5th in the US while playing in the Bloodlust battlegroup that means they are good enough to stay up there, and for awhile. Expect this newly made team to stay up in the Top 10 for a while and even get better every week.
(US #31) Team Pulse (Feathermoon)
Lineup: Warrior, Mage, Elemental Shaman, Holy Priest, Paladin
I really enjoyed covering this team especially since they were a ‘900 Club’ team while maintaining a Top 10 US rank, but as each week goes on they keep dropping. Two weeks ago they were all the way up to 4th rank, then last week 8th, now 31st if this trend continues they might even drop out of the Top 50 US by next week. They have kept their win percentage at an decent 87%, so they aren’t completely out of it a good week or two of play and they could possibly re join the Top 10 or even the ‘900 club’ once again.
On a side note, I have recently just quit WoW. I got extremely frustrated with PvE and both PvP/Arena in this game and decided to give everything away on all my characters, It might just be a break or for good who knows. But try not to be too surprised if this site stops getting updated, I may lose the will power to keep doing this especially if im not playing.
Averages of Top 50 5v5 Teams – 7-30-07
Rating: 2273.98 (Last week 2242.52)
Wins: 157.1 (Last week 157.56)
Losses: 41.1 (Last week 43.24)
Win Percentage: 0.8076 (Last week 0.8010)
Overview: The average rating went up this week by about 30 while the wins and losses stayed relatively the same. The only thing these numbers could represent is a new re-make team making it into the Top 50 bumping the older ones with more wins/losses out. One example of this would be CAPSLOCKCREW who transferred their team to Tichondrius losing their old record of (345-56) and trading it for their new one of (76-13).
1. TeamPandemic (Tichondrius) – US #2
Lineup: Warrior, Mage, Elemental Shaman, Holy Priest, Paladin
A bumpy week for this team as they started it off very rocky dropping to 7th overall in the US, but towards the end of the week they regained their form going 59-22 for the week and improving their rating by 22 in the process. It’s nice to see that the top teams actually play more than just 10 games a week while maintaining a top rank. They continue to stay #1 in the Power Rankings again because of their continued dominance over the #1 Battlegroup Bloodlust.
2. CAPSLOCKCREW (Tichondruis) – US #11
Lineup: Warrior, Hunter, Warlock, Holy Priest, Paladin
You will notice they no longer have (Kel’Thuzad) attached to their name that’s because they are no longer on that server. When you transfer servers you lose all your arena teams and their ratings and have to re-build each of your teams. This was no problem from this top team seeing as they went (76-15) an 85% win percentage which is roughly the same as on their old battleground. The good thing about re making a team is that every team you play will always be higher ranked than you so you will always get a lot of points from beating them (around 20-30) and when you lose you’ll barely lose anything so It make it extremely easy for top teams to regain their status just by winning.
3. We lose cuz Daorok sux (Korgath) – US #3
Lineup: Warrior, Mage, Hunter, Resto Shaman, Paladin
This team has been on an absolute frenzy these last few weeks and its still going and probably wont stop for a while. This week they went an impressive 16-0 and gaining 42 rating in the process, compared to last weeks 49-3. In the last two weeks they are 65-3, which is an amazing 96% win percentage well above their total right now that is 85%. If they continue to keep winning at this rate if they win 20-30 games next week should be enough to give them the #1 spot for the first time this season.
4. Trounce (Mal’Ganis) – US #1
Lineup: Warrior, Mage, Elemental Shaman, Holy Priest, Paladin
Still holding strong at #1 they continue to hold off TeamPandemic, the usual #1, and We lose cuz Daorok sux who has been extremely hot as of lately. This week Trounce only played 10 games, but won all of them improving their rating by only 16 points meaning they were only beating teams that gave them anywhere between 1-2 points. I am not a fan of teams only getting their 10 games in a week so they can just get their Arena Points, if they want to stay on these power rankings they will need to play more then 10 next week before I drop them off.
5. Rag Dolled (Tichondruis) – US #4
Lineup: Warrior, Mage, Elemental Shaman, Holy Priest, Paladin
This team hasn’t made too much noise so far this season, but has steadily climbed up the ranks each week. They have slowly moved up the rankings and now they are US #4, which is this teams all time high. Out of all the teams in the Top 10 they have the lowest win percentage at 75%, which means they like to grind out their ranks. This week they went an impressive 46-11 while gaining 53 rating which moved them from 6th to 4th, expect this team to continue to keep climbing possibly into the Top 2 next week.
TOP 5 MOVERS (Teams only in Top 50 for previous week included)
(+45) – Owls That Fly at Dawn (Tichondrius) NEW->5th
Lineup: Rogue, Warlock, Warlock, Shadow Priest, Resto Druid
Not sure if this team was created 1-2+ weeks ago or this week, but regardless they have shot up all the way to 5th out of no where. They are 100-25, which is an 80% win rate, no easy feat on the #1 Battlegroup Bloodlust. One thing that is for certain though is they have a really stupid team name, and hopefully that’s some kind of inside joke because I am pretty sure a 4th grader could make something cooler than that.
(+42) – TEAM EG (Illidan) 54th->13th
Lineup: Warrior, Warlock, Elemental Shaman, Holy Priest, Paladin
Last week they were in the opposite list being one of the Top 5 losers dropping 43 ranks, this week they almost gained all of them back. A few days ago they even made it up into the Top 10 but have since barely fallen out, If a team can rebound as much as they can it says a lot – they will probably stay in or around the Top 10 for a few weeks unless they have another bad week.
(+27) – DOOM TRAIN (Uldum) NEW->23rd
Lineup: Rogue, Mage, Warlock, Shadow Priest, Resto Shaman
This is the first time this team has graced the Top 50, and they are ranked fairly high playing a lineup that is far from cookie cutter. While they did make it all the way to 23rd they do have a fairly low win percentage of 77% playing in the weak Cyclone Battleground. If they want to stay on these rankings they will have to prove them selves week after week by gaining ranks and improving their rating and record.
(+26) – Smug Lyfe (Eldre’Thelas) NEW->24th
Lineup: Warrior, Mage, Elemental Shaman, Holy Priest, Paladin
Considering they play the extremely popular cookie cutter build it’s surprising that they have such a low win percentage, which is 70%. I’ve seen this team hovering around the Top 50 before and might have been in it two weeks ago, I cant remember, but given the fact their win percentage is so low they must have just had a good week, I don’t expect them to stay around this rank for very long with that low of a win percentage.
(+25) – MIC (The Underbog) NEW->25th
Lineup: Warrior, Rogue, Mage, Holy Priest, Paladin
Hailing from the weakest battleground: Retaliation, this team has an extremely impressive win percentage of 96% and grace the Top 50 for the first time. Even on a “weaker” battleground that is no easy feat especially playing with two melee: a warrior and a rogue. The website I used to calculate all the rankings/statistics just recently added Retaliation to its list (it wasn’t added because they merged two BG’s together to make it) So they could have been in the Top 50 before, I don’t know. With a 96% win percentage they will probably be here for awhile, expect this team to moving up ranks.
BOTTOM 5 DROPPERS (Teams only in Top 50 for previous week included)
(-235) – Weekend Respecs (Korgath) 15th->250+
Lineup: Warrior, Warlock, Elemental Shaman, Holy Priest, Paladin
Holy crap I’m speechless right here, 235+ ranks? I think that will be a record for a very long time on this website, the best part is it might even be more then 235 ranks. I really don’t think this team is a sold team either because a team who sells their team can only lose about 100 rating in one week; this team has lost more than that and still have members with games played on their lineup. Last week they had a rating of 2247 with a record of 135-51, this week they went 3-17 and lost 200 rating in the process dropping them completely out of the Top 150 by 100+ rating. Their actual rank is probably something closer to 300 or more but Ill go easy on them and say they are ranked 250. Some times teams have an off night, and losing to teams you probably should beat 2-3 times in a row would probably prompt you to stop, but 17? I don’t know who or what they lost to but could only assume they weren’t smart enough to stop after they lost 50 or even 100 rating.
(-71) – FoRtY PeRcEnT AzN (Cho’gall) 9th->80th
Lineup: Warrior, Mage, Elemental Shaman, Holy Priest, Paladin
This team was up around the Top 10 for quite some time so it’s surprising to see them drop this low. Last week they had a 2270 rating with a record of 105-12, this week they tried to just get 10 games in which turned out to be extremely costly. They went 3-7 and lost 90 rating in the process, playing 10 games to get arena points isn’t worth losing almost 100 rating they should’ve just not played.
(-59) – Diablo (Deathwing) 18th->77th
Lineup: Unknown
This team had a brief stint in the Top 50 last week but quickly threw it all away. Last week they were 2239 with a record of 150-50, this week they tried to get just 10 games in and probably lost to some very low ranked teams going 7-3 they some how lost 50+ rating. If you want to be a top ranked team you can’t wait till Sunday or Monday night to get your games in, and 10 games a week definitely doesn’t cut it unless your battleground is extremely weak.
(-46) – Mississippi Roadblock (Blackrock) 35th->81st
Lineup: Warrior, Mage, Hunter, Holy Priest, Paladin
This wasn’t a horrible weak for this team, but it wasn’t the best either. To maintain your rank in the Top 50 US you’ll usually need to gain at least 30-40 rating each week, so If you go down even a little bit or break even your going to lose a lot of ranks with teams passing you. This is what happened to Mississippi Roadblock, they went a mediocre 4-5 this week and have lost only 30 rating but its enough to drop them 46 spots and get them on the list for one of this weeks biggest losers.
(-36) – is this a new arena (Alter of Storms) 13th->49th
Lineup: Warrior, Mage, Warlock, Holy Priest, Paladin
Two weeks ago this team was barely hovering in the Top 50 in the US, and here again they are ranked 49th. After a great week shooting all the way up to 13th they didn’t continue that play this week and lost everything they gained. Despite having a winning record this week of 9-4 they dropped roughly 40 rating and that was enough to drop them 36 ranks.
CAPSLOCKCREW (Kel’Thuzad)- US #11
Lineup: Warrior, Hunter, Warlock, Holy Priest, Paladin
After transferring and remaking their team they shot up all the way to the top 10 before the week was even over, they have since then barely dropped out of the Top 10but the fact that they can regain their status and that quick gives them the award for top team this week. Another impressive note is if that they play more then every other team in the top 50 and still maintain an great win percentage, if you combined their two teams they would be 421-69 which is a win percentage of 86%.
IRONMAN TEAM AWARDS – (Top 50 Team Only)
Wins – (289) TeamPandemic (Tichondrius)
Losses – (150) Shame (Wildhammer)
Games Played – (413) Shame (Wildhammer)
(US #5) Owls That Fly at Dawn (Tichondrius)
Lineup: Rogue, Warlock, Warlock, Shadow Priest, Resto Druid
If they can shoot up to 5th in the US while playing in the Bloodlust battlegroup that means they are good enough to stay up there, and for awhile. Expect this newly made team to stay up in the Top 10 for a while and even get better every week.
(US #31) Team Pulse (Feathermoon)
Lineup: Warrior, Mage, Elemental Shaman, Holy Priest, Paladin
I really enjoyed covering this team especially since they were a ‘900 Club’ team while maintaining a Top 10 US rank, but as each week goes on they keep dropping. Two weeks ago they were all the way up to 4th rank, then last week 8th, now 31st if this trend continues they might even drop out of the Top 50 US by next week. They have kept their win percentage at an decent 87%, so they aren’t completely out of it a good week or two of play and they could possibly re join the Top 10 or even the ‘900 club’ once again.
On a side note, I have recently just quit WoW. I got extremely frustrated with PvE and both PvP/Arena in this game and decided to give everything away on all my characters, It might just be a break or for good who knows. But try not to be too surprised if this site stops getting updated, I may lose the will power to keep doing this especially if im not playing.
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