There is a lot of debate over which battle group is the most competitive, most of it leans towards Bloodlust which features arguably the #1 Arena team in World of Warcraft at the moment Team Pandemic, here we will take a statistical break down of each battle group to see which one truly is the most competitive. What is a competitive battle group you might ask your self? To me its a combination of the top teams rating, as well as how many matches they've played which means they play a lot and versus each other. A High rating battle group with little games played means they farmed lesser ranked teams to get there, and vice verse.
Information taken from Top 10 Teams only on each battle group.
Average Rating Per Top10 Teams: To determine the battle group rating, I simply calculated the top 10 team from each battle group's rating, and added that together with the amount of matches those teams played to get their 'Battlegroup Rating'
Rank - Battlegroup - AverageRating - GP - Battlegroup Rating
1) BLOODLUST 2207.3 1689 3896.3
2) NIGHTFALL 2142.3 1681 3823.3
3) VENGEANCE 2140.5 1622 3762.5
4) RAMPAGE 2154.1 1601 3755.1
5) RUIN 2146.7 1574 3720.7
6) VINDICATION 2136.6 1573 3709.6
7) RECKONING 2157 1512 3669
8) CYCLONE 2145.8 1498 3643.8
9) SHADOWBURN 2124.4 1461 3585.4
10) STORMSTRIKE 2148.7 1326 3474.7
11) WHIRLWIND 2083.2 1260 3343.2
12) EMBERSTORM 1951.5 1066 3017.5
Overview: While its no surprise that bloodlust ended up in the #1, spot, it is surprising by how little they made it over the other few battle groups. Right now it looks like the Top 4 battle groups are highly competitive, where as 5th-9th are moderately, and unfortunately 10-13 are not as competitive seeing as their Battlegrounds have played 1200 average matches versus the top battlegroup's 1600+. From personal stand point, I have encountered many teams from Vengeance battle group that have left their server's to pursue "more competitive" battle groups, as I am sure is the case for many servers, looking at this ranking sheet makes me chuckle. As there is no way to truly rank one battle group to another or teams from cross battle group, these rankings show you what teams are playing and how much, which in essence is the heart of "competitiveness".
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
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Emberstorm suffers from having not enough people in the battlegroup, or at least not enough at 70 doing arenas/pvp. Emberstorm has 29 pages of 5v5 teams listed in armory while Bloodlust has...249
The only other battlegroup with sub 200 pages of 5v5 teams is whirlwind, with 127
It seems like the competitive rankings are based off of the number of teams/population of the battle group, but of course you will have more competition with more teams.
So a theory that 1 out of every 300 players on a server actually knows and understands the mechanics of the game and can play/do well in arenas, seems to be pretty accurate based off your "competitive rankings" basically the more players the better chance the battle group has to be "competitive"
I am not saying this because I come from a "low competition" battle realm, I play on Nightfall, but this is rather something I have noticed with you rankings. However I cannot see a better way of ranking the battle realms, and this is by far the most effective way of doing so.
Just agreeing with the above poster "Eric" to some degree.
Also: thanks to Kcolraw for the link in the "NOT A TWINK THREAD"
The rankings are based off the top 10 teams from each Battlegroup.
I simply averaged out their ratings and added that together with the total # of games those teams played.
Teams outside the top 10 are indirectly calculated in this because:
1) they are calculated in the Top 10 teams games played
2) they can make the top 10 teams ratings go up by losing to them.
Either way this is to just truely show which battle groups play and how much. Which is what most people want.
I really enjoy the Competitive ranking that you have calculated.
Will we see a weekly or bi-weekly update on ranking of the battle groups?
On a side note, Nightfall has also had players leave the battle group to pursue "more competitive" Arenas.
This will be updated weekly on saturdays, so check back here later in the week and ill have a new one up.
Good day !.
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